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18 imagesThe Grand-Synthe Refugee Camp on March 3rd, 2016 one day after eviction. The conditions were horrendous. With only one wash station, no hot water available and dead rats and excrement underfoot, refugees had been falling dangerously ill. People had to walk for nearly a mile across the site to reach the 20 toilets (1 for every 150 people) and8 taps (1 for every 375 people) This is a small selection. For more enter keywords into search or contact me direct
60 imagesThe brainchild of Damien Careme , (the local mayor) and built by Doctors without Borders, the camp provided a humanitarian response to the basic needs of the refugees and migrant who had been moved from the rat infested swampy woodland known as the Dunkirk Jungle. Here, the plywood huts sat about a foot off the ground and each sleeps four people on the floor. They have a small gas stove and a tiny window. The site also provides a laundry, mains electricity and cooking facilities for up to 1,500 migrants. Most residents were Kurds from Northern Iraq. Many of the men were Peshmerga fighters who have been fighting against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. This is a small selection. For more enter keywords into search or contact me direct
25 imagesProtest at the Libyan embassy calling for the British government to put pressure on Libya to end the slavery and inhumane treatment of migrants. This is a small selection. For more enter keywords into search or contact me direct
111 imagesThe situation in Calais was part of a wider migration crisis in Europe - caused largely by the displacement of people from war-torn countries such as Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan and Eritrea The Calais Jungle was a refugee camp on a landfill site just outside the town. It grew rapidly in 2015 during the peak of the European migrant crisis. Over a 6 month period in 2016, I documented the camp which had become home to around 8,000 people. They had built makeshift shops, restaurants schools and churches. In October 2016 the camp was demolished leaving the refugees with no where to live and little support. This is a small selection from the 6 month period I spent documenting the camp .For more enter keywords into search or contact me direct
25 imagesThousands march through streets of London joining in solidarity with the Refugees crisis 15 September 2015. This is a small selection. For more enter keywords into search or contact me direct
25 imagesOver a thousand Yemeni-Americans closed down their bodegas (24 hr grocery stores) to protested against Donald Trump's executive order banning US entry to travelers from Yemen and 6 other predominantly Muslim countries. Around 5,000 supporters gathered at Borough House in Brooklyn to show their patriotism to the US and disgust at the immigration ban. The "shut down" was a public show of the contribution their community makes to the economic and social fabric of the city. At 5.30 as the sun set, the crowd fell silent and hundreds lined up in the square for prayer. This is a small selection. For more enter keywords into search or contact me direct